Meet Our Clergy

Archdeacon Godfrey Mawejje

Mawejje as we call him has been with St. George Wakefield since 2000.

We congratulate Mawejje on celebrating 35 years of priesthood on December 22, 2020.

Rector’s Charge 2024

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”…………“Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:18-19, 22)

Peace, joy, hope and love be with you. Amen. I want to thank God for the gift of life and all blessings from God in 2023. Welcome back to all who have returned since Covid 19 pandemic happened. Welcome to new members who have joined our beloved parishes of St. George, and Clements. Our prayers are with all who are grieving death of their loved ones, all who are going through illness, economic and social hardship, and all kinds of tribulations. We stand with you, and ask God to console, strengthen, equip and enable you to go through these situations.

I am happy that social media (Email, Facebook and Zoom) enables us to reach and keep you informed about the happenings in your/our beloved parishes. I am pleased that some people participate, worship and do “Church” as a result of posts on social media.

Last year, we emphasized “discipleship”, telling good stories about of our parishes, make good use of main and social media and being visible in our communities as individuals or as congregations at large. This year, we shall emphasize the health and strength of our parishes.

We stand by our conviction that everyone matters, is valued, and needed for our parishes to grow, flourish and remain vital (the qualitative aspect of parish and congregational life, viewing parish ministry from the standpoint of God’s mission in the world, the purpose of our existence as a Church). What we do in our communities speak to the purpose of why we exist as a Church.

We need you and everyone who considers St. George and St. Clements a home parish to make them viable (the quantitative aspects of what is necessary for parish and congregational life, viewing parish ministry from a stewardship approach with adequate financial, facility, and leadership assets). Your participation and contributions enable parish growth and sustainability.

We imitate Christ who came to live among us, be our friend and draw us to Himself, thus reconciling us to God. We too, engage God’s people to draw them to God’s love. We are in the business of making disciples, and doing “Church” so that lives be transformed. As Hirsch put it:

A missional community is patterned after what God has done in Jesus Christ. In the incarnation God sent his Son. Similarly, to be missional means to be sent into the world; we do not expect people to come to us. Missional represents a significant shift in the way we think about the church. …As the people of a missionary God, we ought to engage the world the same way he does—by going out rather than just reaching out… When the church is in mission, it is the true church.[1]

We appreciate your commitment to God’s mission (bringing hope for spiritual growth) through the Gospel of word and actions in 2024. Be a means to enable the ministry we share by responding to God’s voice to go where God is calling, and already at work in 2024. Again, I am privileged to work with you, and have you on our team. Be blessed.

[1] Alan Hirsch, Leadership Journal. Real Ministry in a Complex World: Defining Mission, Fall 2008.

Honorary Assistant Reverend Ken Pawluk